Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The battle enjoined

Just in the last two years, the NSA has granted over $112 billion in high-tech contracts to private industry representing just over $400 for every man, woman and child in America. This is ten times more than their own basic budget, so the question is, how do these contracts get funded? The second question is, Is the NSA forming outright Fascist relationships with private industry? ⁃ TN Editor

Bold face mine.

We got a problem.  Intel, microsoft, Google, Walmart, me and a bunch of others are putting a $50 device in the hands of every man  woman and child.  Our device comprise the connections to the singularity, and  NSA ain't allowed.  Houston, we have a misunderstanding. The monetary network is separate from this nonsense, sandbox rules, sorry, it is a theoretical necessity for the global economy. These NSA folks won't get the issue and we get humongous coordination failure.

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