Sunday, January 28, 2018

We have always had multiple monetary systems.

The fiat tax dollar has never been a monopoly, just the dominant player.  Hence, economists for 250 years have had the theory of "something-something", make up an expectation function to cover the varying market share of the tax dollar. It kind of works.

Watch GDAX, they trade over multiple monetary systems.  Their techies know that each monetary system has a niche, the systems jostle for index space. Each system has its optimu buy and ask window sizes, and mostly keep the same queue structure. 

When GDAX pros deploy to a new monetary system they are good at ratcheting up to speed and watching overflows. They also know there is price discovery, an allowance for traders to test a slightly different queue structures. GDAX is winning, they understand the something-something is a congestion issue.

GDAX isan FX transfer exchange, not a ledger service.  Think if them as an S&L with a huge window size and little price compression.  If  we have pre-qualified cash in advance contracts, the actually running loans against savings is much easier, the window sizes are more 'elastic;. What we are issuing is the pre-qualification ,a personal contract to deploy trading bots.  

Thus, we should all be pre-qualified somewhere that we can keep a loan and deposit ratio. Their are yet companies to be formed, but they will be multi-billion dollar companies because they get the idea of asynchronous, adjustable interest charges. The S&Ls operate queues such that price times price change is maximum, the trades move the most gods with the least transactions.

We now have personal, bot contracts, and can chain them with consistent inheritance of risk parameters. We know how to use the Spectre feature to make digital bearer assets..

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