Tuesday, January 22, 2019

I need Using, already

Using says, use this namespace, or in this case, means use this entry point (I give software a hard model).

I already have two PutStr and have not implemented a Using.  The Using key word sets the name space entry point, in this case the snippet name. Then with Using, one can run a series of operations , reusing the common names within one snippet.

I have not done a Using, I am doing integration and I need a Using. Otherwise, I will go back to my Redneck methods and start calling one PutStr, another  XPutStr, and add XX or XXX as needed, as many X's as it takes to become unique.

But we really need to make Using, or Import, or what you like, we need a commons for that, like Using means always check the specified snippet entry point first and only. Or live with zillions of Xes.

Using belongs in the console loop, and it is only a few lines of code, but  pain on the boundary conditions, like who calls it and when doesn't revert, and it will likely be stacked Usings. I could write a hack, as they call it, but the hack just leads me down that road solving the general problem of nested namespaces. I am needed to verify that this basic integration works, and I am using the XXX method util that is done.

Call better names pacing version 2, I know what to do when it happens. Another is dumping the tokenizer somewhere, like IO manager. But that too should wait, as integration happens we discover the short paths, and designing before discovery of the short path is bad idea.

Havngthe commons work is a big deal, it greatly simplifies enterprise semantics.  Stacking report, for example, becomes the opposite of popping them off the in box.  Push and pop we want them used everywhere, like read and write. Key value will be another, a whole bunch f these are like connecting verbs in enterprise organization, we want them all available for snippets to use, they get a direct interface with the enterprise.  If you deliver a snippet to an enterprise that pop or pushes from in and out boxes, the enterprise gets what you are doing.  Push and pop portfolios, push and op real estate listing. Like the term file, it became  ubiquitous, it mans an ordered list of items in persistent storage.

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