Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Kudlow rescues stocks

"There are no cancellations. None. Zero. Let's put that to rest."Hours after a headline from the FT about the US cancelling a round of trade talks with two senior Chinese ministers send stocks reeling to their lows of the day, the administration has dispatched Larry Kudlow (who apparently had to wait until 20 mins before the close thanks to CNBC's wall-to-wall Davos coverage) to jawbone the markets back into the green by denying the story.Kudlow said the only meeting that matters is the meeting with Liu He in Washington at the end of January, and that there was never a meeting scheduled for this week.
So stock pump priming is now, exactly two house after the stocks decline.

Here is the thing.  We were all waiting for the stock brokers to get their 'words', but the 'words' are meaningless, they only exist because stock brokers like to hear them.  I do not get the part about this being information, more like a joke than  official fiscal policy.

But the swamp has no discretionary spending, its effect and Kudlow's overall effect in the administration is to lower the evaluations by going on a spending binge and raising rates.

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