Saturday, January 19, 2019

Push and pop are in the commons

Out architecture has no return value, it is used to signal the commnd handle. So, we have but one choice for push and pop format on the bus:

push device value;
pop device value;

Basically full duplex use of args.  I matter not what you snippet function, don;t use push and pop unless you have a device that does it.  I do ush and pop (and pull ad lift for full duplex), everywhere.  Th esame call format, it is more of an ad hoc structure. Headers don't help, but a system wide map would discipline me. The system wide map defines push and pop call format on n array of longs, I am stuck, I have been trapped into Bus rules, may as well give me the common maps header.

Using is another in the commons. There are a bunch.

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