Saturday, January 19, 2019

Now I have a maps dot h

What is it, a header file by another name?Kind of. It typedefs commonly accepted formats.  It has a type def for a string in on one axis  and for two axis. Caller choose what an axis is, I call it  sortable line of symmetry.

I have a cursor move definition. I have three way comm, IO to flush and exec. Flush from all three feeding xchars. IO feeding xchars the command rectangle.  Flush has to support a PutStr on input, and output. IO the same.

Then there is the scalar PutStr with no x or y, and accepted almost anywhere. Flush takes them all.

At he lowest level I am trying o adopt = the unix  everywhere, sort of an object format in which the common forms can be written. I dunno, my complexity is being solved in the ad hoc with mps.h.

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