Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Rectangle sorting problem

Simple in our system. We have binary tree in symbol table tat sorts on long values.

Any tiled set of rectatngles occupies a window, and all are assumed to be vertical and horizontal.  hen any segment from the upper left corner to lower right will not intersect other segment. Under these conditions they can be sorted as a air, upper Y and right side x. The key assumption is tiled, but  priority word solves the layer sorting problem, and can fit into the indexing scheme.

If the tree is handed a 'dirty' box, a rectangle that need redrawn, then any dirty rectangle will report duplicate symbols, and x and y both overlapped. Right now the rectangles are an unordered list, but can easily e sorted in symbol table, with its own names space root.

Then widgets can get notified on dirty or mouse, fairly fast. But the widget, really a snippet offering widget services,will get its redraw signals the same way it gets ll its signals and notifications, via libev. The big advantage is the ability to swap tracker code to match the widget.

One possibility is to grab an xchars rectangle and keep it all to the snippet, it can do all its own rendering with  callback for redraw, and use the binary xcb interface, xchars never knows a thing except there is a rectangle. The application is not tied to a particular rectangle manager, which xchars does not offer much of anyway.

If we have common forms for rectangles then enterprise management can deploy right down to the widget level.

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