Tuesday, January 22, 2019

rectangles are the xchars value added

We can put string to rectangle, two axes of symmetry. That is its entire core function, though the rectangles and windows can be overloaded.  So, it has to have a PutStr, or the given common name, it has to be the common name. On th command line, you are on the bus and plain text rules.  You can type up a quick rectangle and do your put strs.   I dunnit.

If you have a note, you cant put str it to...the note flusher and scroll it to disk file. Flush wants a put str, the user needs both to have one.  Any snippet author who has dreams of glory, can always offer a put str, and every application knows how to do put and get requests using it.  One of those things, discoveries, needed to make a snippet author a hero.

There will all sorts of rectngles, and the name type will be common, its definition well known:
NewRect  x y width height;

We be doing this every where, for qt charts, ssl records, web portals, sheets, sheets withing html, consoles, multiple. No one can own the rectangle name space, we need support at the root level. Like files and directories; do not all yourself that unless you want to do the work.

And games, games games..

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