Thursday, January 17, 2019

Wrapper functions for the library snippets

We get wrapper functions  automatically with up front symbol table and universal interface.  That gets any app pointed to the proper location of raw variable. The linux command format rules yield simple plain text commands. . So I am dealing with string formatted calls  versions in simple plain ext:

NewRect ract;
Default default-syntax;
LoadModule name;
WatchRect rect;

The semi colon optional in command line mode.

So, from plain text string, tokenized onto args list. Then args list is whatever the two endpoints decide to cast it as, application dependent. Using the new address space, the intent is that raw address space is the universal middle ware layer. Thus, snippet interfaces are driven by their from end symbol table. The internal state change rules get embedded into the higher level enterprise syntax engine. Hence, all my interfaces are quick look up, test and jump, when the symbols all match a criteria, the complex interface is called. The criteria is transmitted to the higher level engine, a priori the high level engine reads the 'header files' and and programs the sequence to meet the criteria, naming specific variables by direct access to symbol tables.

Wrappers gone, replaced by snippet interface.

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