Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Drugs in schools make education impossible

Your child's teacher could soon be trained on how to bring them back to life in the event they overdose on opioids.
The San Diego County Office of Education is looking into training teachers on how to use Narcan in classrooms, a preventative measure some teachers and parents say they’re all for.
Narcan is an FDA-approved nasal injection that reverses the side effects of opioid overdoses.
Law enforcement agencies carry it, as do 38 San Diego Unified School District resource officers on district campuses.
That was the message of the teachers strike. Their fist demand was more nurses.  Now we know why.

If you think opioids are bad consider that in some poor Hispanics communities about 5% of the kids are no meth, basically doomed to a life of disability at taxpayers expense.  We have this situation because, like Mexico, we are officially a failed drug state under Gavin. The drug rehab union keeps it this way via political correctness, it yields tons of useless jobs pretending to rehab war victims of the meth cartel.

The plan is to tax the fuck out of stupid poor parents using regressive sales taxes, kill them off, send them back to Mexico.  Wealthy liberals are way too smart to pay for this fiasco.

Why Gavin?

Gavin is the first of many corrupt politicians in a state now considered a failed drug state.  Notice where the battle line is? Just north of Tijuana, already overrun with cartel and death.  Once Gavin pulled the troops back, we signaled surrender, send in the drug mules.  Gavin will be the marking point, the point where the cartels finally won.  Gavin will lose all support from wealthy liberals, this is more than they can support.

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