Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Gavin Newsom, leader of failed drug state

In State of the State, Newsom sprints out of the shadow cast by his predecessor

Horse manure as the world sees it.
We had Gavin grandstanding while pulling troops back from San Diego, just north of the meth capital in Tijuana. Then we get a huge shipment of meth from Long Beach.

No, Australia and Asia are now treating Gavin like any other corrupt Mexican politician, in the pockets of the meth cartel.

Sorry, but I keep telling you, Gavin is a dufas, much like Joe Biden.  He just fucked the entire USA export strength, what little there was.  Right now this nut is clueless in a dream world prancing around like some toddler who never grew up.

The entire USA will be stuck in a huge depression for a long time as this bozo deconstructs our economic trade capability.

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