Sunday, February 3, 2019

Lower the lending rate

(Reuters) - The Federal Reserve’s decision to stop raising interest rates puts a “fundamentally healthy” U.S. economy on track to further growth, Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank President Neel Kashkari suggested on Sunday.

Just to be clear, Neel.

Deposits are exiting the system, the effect of which is to lower the lending rate because of your fixed corridor, the floor.

The drop in the lending rate is found in the inverted curve, you are supressing the five year rate.

The reason you are supressing the five year rate is because Trump and company are having a hard time paying bills, we just did a 30 day shut down.

The next step in the process s fr the fed to begin buying bonds from Treasury again, which we expect as California pensions will be in serious doo doo this year.

Neel, we are done with the swindles, the truth works here.

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