Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Netanyahu spills the beans

WARSAW, Poland—Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday, in what could be a possible gaffe, that his meetings with Arab leaders in Poland are in pursuit of "war with Iran."
The comments were made to reporters on the sidelines of the Warsaw Middle East ministerial following Netanyahu's meeting with the Sultanate of Oman's Minister Responsible for Foreign Affairs, Yusuf bin Alawi.

It is not really Israel's policy to enhance the ongoing war with Iran.  Israel policy makers are not all that anxious to see Iran pummeled when many Americans depend on Iran to protect us from marauding Arabs.

Arabs forget, but Israel and America remember who bombed us on 9/11.  Bolton is not America's friend in this, and I appreciate that Netanyahu spilled the beans an revealed the plot, thank you, that is why we like Israel, common sense.

Israel can keep Iran in check by bombing them in Syria, no need to send missiles all the way to Terhan. The goal is to keep enough of an Iran defense line to prevent the Bush family from any more Arab plots, we been there, done that. No more Bushies, no more terrorism from their oil friends in Arabia.

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