Monday, February 4, 2019


It has long been known that epilepsy is a common chronic brain disorder. The factors underlying epilepsy are multifaceted, but recent research suggests that the brain's neural circuits, which play a key role in controlling the balance betweenepileptic and antiepileptic factors, may lie at the heart of epilepsy.

Another form is doloopsy.  The brain can be trained, like a muscle, and develop muscle memory, just like learning the backhand slice in tennis.

Software developers, especially in the lab, inevitably train their brains to act like slow motion compilers or compiler simulators.  We actually develop the ability to notch a recursion, and start anew at the top of the same spiral column, we get clumps of neurons, like those muscle bound governors from California.

But they go away, give me another week and I will hardly remember anything about linux.  Those neural globs retrained to hang around the kitchen.

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