Saturday, February 16, 2019

The Vietnam parallel is eerie

The same mis perception in early 1964 when a nice, friendly liberal police action became a carpet bombing, rather suddenly for many. These boomers were there, and they had the old 'ban the bomb' left from Truman days pointing out the problem.   Boomers got on the right side, pulled the default button.

The wealthy boomer is now the old left, and they are beginning to point out the contradictions to the kids, and the kids will pull the default. The old left, these are the minority who got it right before, and they want to keep their record clean, like me.

So, I am political correctness be damned, this is a militia style chemical warfare game, left untreated, it becomes worse than the carpet bombing. And I put the probability of foreign state actors as high. Gavin will be stuck on the wrong side, the LBJ of the new era, not me and not Jerry.

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