Sunday, February 17, 2019

Two days ago

RICHMOND, Ind. — While opioids continue taking a deadly toll in Wayne County, another threat has taken hold in the area, as well.
Methamphetamine use has been climbing for more than a year, and, according to Lt. Scott Crull, supervisor of the Wayne County Drug Task Force, methamphetamine now has become prevalent. He said the area once saw crack cocaine as the primary drug, then transitioned to heroin for several years. Now, methamphetamine is popular.
"The meth is really starting to come out," said Crull, who was recently named Richmond Police Department's Supervisor of the Year because of his work with the task force and SWAT team. "We’re purchasing a lot more meth and investigating a lot more meth cases now than ever before."
Somewhere last year the precursor got cheap and plentiful. It may be coming straight to California, we dunno yet. But the California connection will come up again and again. The local cops are just now getting tuned, and they will look back at background checks, all over again, seeing if they find a connection. The first look is CoCal, we know that; the corollary is that Kamala is not a valid candidate, nor am I.

A state actor bringing meth precursor to California is bad news indeed. But it seems to be the case with 1.5 tons of meth leaving port.  The Mexican cartel ls is not paying two expensive transits. The stuff is valuable enough to fly in.   I be looking at front companies that import, especially from smaller, less known air transport. The lab is impossible to find, there is much less lab work if one has the precursor in concentrated form. So if I am Gavin, I am not running around in celebratory political theater until I find out what is up.

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