Tuesday, February 5, 2019

We looked at the abyss and reacted

Prayers for a sudden return to dovish monetary policies have been answered, and now investors are living with the aftermath: a world awash with $8.6 trillion in negative-yielding debt.
That’s one reason money managers are wading once more into the fringes of fixed-income markets across the globe....
It’s a replay of the post crisis, bad-news-is-good-news investing strategy. The idea: That a dovish monetary offset to redress market and growth fears will boost risk assets.
A manufacturing slowdown in Germany and Italy’s contracting economy threaten to stymie rate liftoff in the euro zone, while the Federal Reserve last week signaled it’s done raising hiking until inflation picks up.

The cycle has restarted, the Fed has gone dovish because we were headed toward the cliff. So investors are out looking for risky fixed income knowing the Fed has the liquidity back stop going.

The cause:

AOC and Liz (and Mitch and conservative welfare bums) agreed to pay for 50 years of accumulated debt, in the name of their followers and their followers cannot afford the bill.  So AOC and Liz are running around blaming the wealthy for their on bad negotiations, they panicked.  Conervaties are bawling like babies for the King's Teat.

Powell, Goldman Sachs, the super wealthy  and Treasury have to cover the cost of obligations for another cycle.  No horse shit needed, the deal was struck in the last three weeks.  So, please quit the two step crawl back swindle Liz.  We know Liz sold out to the wealthy to cover some pathetically stupid little government goodie.

Likely Liz and AOC got the word from Nancy, protect the pensions, sell out then fake it, but protect the public sector pensions, the sacred government goodie.  And some dumbshit port dredgi8ng welfare bum named Lindsey Graham cal a call from the usual bunch of American Male Mommy Boys, the Tea party types.

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