Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Republican Communist Party watch

HOUSTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo urged the oil industry on Tuesday to work with the Trump administration to promote U.S. foreign policy interests, especially in Asia and in Europe, and to punish what he called “bad actors” on the world stage.
This is the crap that Schultz is blind to, the cooperation between big business and big government.  Also note that Pompeo is  a complete dunce for not noting the charge will be forthcoming, he has effectively negated the charges against AOC and the Ice melters.. Pompeo, a complete idiot, we knew it from the start.

Note the implied counter agreement, the US secures oil routes with the defense budget. Pompeo is a disaster. Bolton, =McCain, and that other senator, Lindsay; running around daily committing the USA to huge defense commitments while Congress is trying to cobble a budget together. Adds to the noise, extends the extraordinary measures, adds a quarter to the debate.  Just utter stupidity, cubed.

Pure MMT, by the way, right out of the Peoples Communist Government Bank, using future tax payments to insure a domestic foreign energy policy..

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