Friday, March 1, 2019

Yellow vesters and Nixon Voters

We know who the Yellow Vesters were in 1972, the Boomers. Their parents held their nose and voted for Nixon.

We re rhyming.   Nixon worked because he was the unknown, the something else; we expected that any derangement was better than the derangement we suffered.

Trump is the candidate of the hour here, he has mostly hotel bones to pick and otherwise can swing with the wind. He is the Boomers new Nixon, and Diane got voted out.

AOC's crew has not yet yellow vested, they will when they see the Swamp bailout the Boomer version of NGD for the second time. AOC's constituents never voted for Boomer NGD, they never approved of melting all that ice, and now they have to pay interest charges for it twice over, Reagan's bailout a third time.

Hence, the March budget will be critical, can the Boomers manage to get through  a Q1 slow down with a rising ten year and a housing drop, while Europe and China are at respective recessions? We approach a meeting of the elders, I fear. The millennials must get clues quickly.

 We are not that far off.  If we were boy scouts and did Euler, then I think a ten yer tax and sequester would get the boomers off to their grave. We have done about six years of those tax and sequesters since 1980.

But being close also means a partial default does not spoil the broth as long as we leave a responsible chunk of the economy to the kids. This is a widespread view, believe me. The boomers are all having deja vu moments. They are alive, they did it once, they should be ready to negotiate.

I should mention, in passing, having a Socal Narco State is going to be a big, historical pain in the ass; and will drive the Nixon vote.

Dems need to forget the identity politics, especially on this border crossing issue, and the military need pay attention. Across the border they are organized militia likely with indirect connections to state sponsor. These militia have turned Tijuana into a war one, chemical warzone, I might add. Exporting meth from Long Beach to Australia is not in the best interest of Freedom of the Seas, especially for the extra inspections sailors need from San Diego fleets..

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