Thursday, May 9, 2019

California junior colleges packed with grifters

The online college, slated to open October 1, would offer programs in medical coding, cybersecurity, information technology, and other areas. “We want to move fast—but not break things,” said California Community Colleges Board of Governors president Tom Epstein. “We have the legislative mandate, and we’re doing our best to meet it.” But the project is imperiled by cronyism, the ineradicable California disease.As Dan Morain of CAL matters reported, the director of the planned online college, Heather Hiles, “pushed to grant a no-bid contract of up to $500,000 to an executive recruiter who is a friend and long has been a part of San Francisco’s political scene.” Others sought to put this position out to bid, but Hiles lobbied for her friend, Carolyn Carpeneti.
This kind of crappy corruption is endemic in community colleges, starting with the expensive test book scams, as worse as anything done by the Baltimore ex-mayor.  Jerry Brown was up against a buzz saw in reforming the system. This problem reaches down into country schools where developer corruption has created a disaster of over building and debt payments.

The way to reform community colleges is to cut funding and raise tuition at our useless UC undergrad system.  Make the UC profs rely on community colleges, and they can deal with the corruption.  Do not give the UC profs any more money until they are ready to deal with education inefficiencies up and down the system, their frigging job.

 Gavin has already played his hand, as has the LAUSD, committing to billions in spending before the reforms are decided.

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