Thursday, May 9, 2019

Collusion with a domestic power?

FBI's Steele story falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISA

OK, how exactly was the FBI going to influence the election in favor of Hillary? The FBI is going to leak fake dirt on behalf of Clinton? How is that different from Mueller doing a fake investigation on behalf of Clinton? How is that different from putting Hillary into a rest home, on behalf of the US government?

How about a fake impeachment for Hillary?
Rep. Al Green (D-TX) made an appearance on MSNBC and discussed the initiative to remove Trump from office. It’s not the first time he has broached the subject; in 2017, he introduced articles of impeachment in the House. “I’m concerned if we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected,” he explained. “He will say the Democrats had an overwhelmingly majority in the House and they didn’t take up impeachment.”
Make a fake election, like we do here in California, just affirmative action appointments by the union.   We can  make a special 'Hillary' amendment, special offices reserved for women, in the Constitution. Like the Department of Dingbat Women will always be chaired by a woman, from one of the affirmative actioned multi-cultural groups..

At this point we are beyond nutty,  we are between Citizen's United and mass hysteria.  Simply flipped out, wigged out, shell shocked tribes.

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