Friday, May 10, 2019

Comey spied on Hillary?

 More Comey: It’s “totally normal” to use undercover agents on presidential campaigns

Comey claims all those FBI leaks disparaging Trump were really spies operating in Hillary's campaign.

If I follow his logic, then, most of this came about because Comey spies were undercover agents.  They leaked the fake dossier in order to prove their loyalty to Hillary's campaign, thus to catch her in the act of dealing with Russians.

It worked!  Congress is now in a position to exposed all of Hillary's manipulations, just ask Comey and his undercover spies who did all the dirty deeds for her.  Mueller was part of the plot, deliberately ignoring the Hillary crimes so as to induce the Congressional Dems into some really stupid investigation. It worked, Dems are busy identifying for us all what a crook Hillary was.

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