Wednesday, June 26, 2019

ACA is no longer enforceable

A federal appeals court has questioned whether the House and Democrat-led states can defend the 2010 health care law in a legal fight that threatens the landmark legislation — a sign the law could face strong headwinds in its latest test in the federal courts.The House and states had jumped to intervene in the lawsuit after a federal judge in Texas ruled the entire law should fall without the so-called individual mandate, including popular provisions preventing insurance companies from denying coverage or charging more because of pre-existing conditions.Officials in Texas and other conservative states filed a lawsuit to strike down the entire law because Congress eliminated the penalty for not having individual health insurance as part of a 2017 tax overhaul. The Justice Department, which partially defended the law at first, now declines to do so.
As part of the tax over haul, Trump dumped the Obamacare insurance penalty. So we have a regulation to buy insurances with no penalty attached.  What happens if the Federales catch me without my ACA card? Nothing, they have no penalty. They could arrest me, and I wait for trial, lose and the judge lets me go, there is no penalty implied. 

So, I am free to keep a medical savings account, or buy a plan with a huge deductable. The Federales are limited to regulating the insurance companies, but Trump doesn't care, he will ignore the whole mess. Besides, Trump is allowing a lot of waivers for all different forms of insurance with less tax.

In other words, ACA is basically dead except for the Medicaid expansion. The whole ten year enterprise a huge volatility, pure waste.  We can write this off in the MMT, add another few trillion in defaults for bonehead Nancy Pelosi.  We can write off another fiasco perpetuated by the 'This time is different' crowd, Delong and that crew owe us a lot of money for fraud.  In fact, this makes 20 years of messing with this stuff, and the Dems want to do another twenty years of mess, yielding noting but a medicaid expansion.

The Dems now are telling us, the same people who suffered the mess, to suffer it again!  But it is a loser, Trump won on ACA and Trump will simply remind everyone that same Dems are at it again. Stupid is as stupid does.

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