Friday, June 28, 2019

Take the tether bitcoin hedge

It has been now and observable the hedge whales do when buying bitcoin.  But a bit of the illiquid tether first, then buy bitcoin and the the get the network appreciation we always see flowing bitcoin. The whale then sell the tether.

What happens in a micro bitcoin when bit coin get volatile?

Well, either a staged, bounded set of bankruptcies and exits until it vanishes, orthe micro bitcoin contract includes a very large insurance fund against this, perhaps buying the counter hedge insurance service.  The hedge is shorted, but one point remains. hen the hedge was usable, it became observable. That is what we want to emphasize, value limited digicash has to come up for air often enough, and they becomes observed as hedges. NSA can watch this,they have bots, insurance companies can watch this, they have bots. Fair deal.  IBM's Watson can watch streams and find hedges,  it is a bot.

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