Saturday, June 29, 2019

LA City Council is floundering

LOS ANGELES — The City Council on Friday approved millions of dollars to be spent on an enhanced homeless-outreach and street-cleanup operation recently touted by the mayor as an overhaul of efforts to combat illegal dumping and providing hygiene services for the homeless.
Mayor Eric Garcetti said last week the revamping of trash-cleanup efforts and outreach to homeless communities using “cleaning and rapid engagement,” or CARE, teams would shift the city from simply reacting to complaints about dumping to pro-actively responding to high-need areas.

CARE means garbage worker:
Each CARE team will be assigned to a specific location — at least one in each council district — to provide cleanup services and help sanitation workers “build stronger relationships with homeless Angelenos in desperate need,” the mayor said.
Turn garbage workers into government parental units:
The teams will receive specialized mental health training and deliver public health resources, including daily trash collection and mobile restrooms to homeless communities.The plan will increase the number of city sanitation teams from 20 to 30, creating 47 sanitation jobs. The program will also include training of some homeless people who will be paid for taking part in cleanup efforts.
But who protects the government garbage worker parent?
There is still an intensity and an intentionality around police enforcement connected to the plan,” Pete White, the executive director of Los Angeles Community Action Network, said during a Thursday news conference at City Hall.White was joined by representatives of various groups that make up the Services Not Sweeps coalition, which called for a decrease in the amount of police presence during the scheduled sidewalk and street cleanups, saying it could intimidate some of the homeless.Enrique Zaldivar, the director of Los Angeles Sanitation and Environment, told a City Council committee on Wednesday that police presence is necessary at times during outreach and cleanup efforts.“We have had incidents where our workers have been threatened, and in some cases there have been assaults, and we have to be mindful of that,” Zaldivar said.

The recent audit on the cost of portapotties summed up the whole issue. With cops and parental units the cost of a portapotty  goes to $300,000 per year. Who are the homeless? They are the queue in line to get $200,000 of medical treatment at the UCLA medical center. The people Gavin and Garcetti invited to come to LA.  They are spending thousands of dollars  per patient just manageing the emergency room waiting list.

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