Sunday, June 30, 2019


FROM THE FLAMES ISIS poised for ‘devastating’ comeback thanks to secret billions and sleeper cells, new report warns
The Washington-based Institute for the Study of War is warning in a report that the brutal terror group is set to come back — bigger and more dangerous than before.
In Iraq, ISIS is already seizing control the study reveals.

The report warns: "ISIS has systematically eliminated village leaders and civilians who cooperated with anti-IS forces.
“It has reimposed taxes on local populations in its historical support zones, displacing civilians and de facto controlling small pockets of terrain in Iraq.”
Syria may prove more difficult for ISIS because of American and Russian backed forces there.

But the report argues that far from being defeated the terror group’s members has simply fanned out and are ready to regroup in a classic guerrilla warfare tactic.
Iran is on our side in this struggle. Funding is from Trump's pal, that guy in the bathrobe.  They have this suicidal, bizarre religion. They recruit clueless Arab desert kids.  Persians been fighting these dues for 1500 years, give them benefit of the doubt.

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