Thursday, June 27, 2019

With the complete support of the Saudis

Sick ISIS supporters threaten to bomb London and New York and attack a plane in chilling terror posters

So, New Yorkers have this problem.

If DaBlowsio does not want to have his city blown, then DaBlowsio had to bomb the Saudis.  How does DaBlowsio attack the threat when our military is in cahoots, selling the Saudis weapons and protecting them from DaBlowio attacks?   First DaBlowsio has to attack our military as they are treasonous assholes. The easiest method to disable the US military and protect ourselves is to cut their funding.

This is a catch 22, like the Dems never getting medical care right and always melting ice over the matter. Repubs charge us huge dollars for defense, then Rick Scott has a bunch of high schoolers killed. What is the point? Why don't the Republicans just kill high schoolers directly without all the fakes, that is how Mexico does it.

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