Friday, June 28, 2019

Digital bearer contract in cold storage

Hierarchical iPod security leads to cold, secure storage.

The idea came up, one iPod is the master of all your iPods, and issues enforced limits. The you take the master down to the physical bank and deposit that, it is you resort ID, secure and you can always run back, grab it and issue cancellations on any ID mishaps, cover loses do a bound.

But that needs time out, how?

ll the slave iPods carrying cash, report back within some time. At the physical ATM, walk up to the kiosk and do digital bearer asset banking, and linking that bank to cold storage with bounded effects, within some timeout.

No matter what, if you can make it to cold storage you can thumb print an alert with bound losses.  The link between cold storage and the foundry can be scaled by large banks. Any request on hardware verification can be intercepted by the large banks with cold storage. The separate constrained queue back to the foundry lowers foundry fees.  Banks clients can update cold storage, just go by an iPod with new cold storage contract and drop that off at the night slot in the local cold storage, like real cash, with ATM delivery. The bank mails you back the old cold storage iPod.

This is key stuff, we want this noticed by the NSA.  We have to force bots to come up for air,  we need to chase scofflaws system also. Lobby time is now, get the word out, we can accept a deal with the NSA, bring them in all the way and show limits and fairness and necessity.

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