Sunday, June 30, 2019

Apple had the closed network

Add in AppleID.

Tim knew the issue with encryption was that no one knew the code, except the owner with the pass word. Add that concept to the Apple closed network, and Tim keeps all humans out, he has sandbox, uniformally incorporating any other liquidity system with an Apple ID interface. All his customers get auto connected, securely  everywhere. The economic world looks like a giant brain to Apple customers, a great concept. Tim has positioned the company for first entry, leadership.

So, Tim did in fact follow the debate over the years, and Apple will be shaping Fintech in amazing ways with instant entry and exit to all the liquidity services being offered and contract guarantees.

Apple marketing works endless directions.

  • Apps based on bearer assets, up to the NSA limit
  • Apps based on data security everywhere, linked the iPod biometric ID to file systems for lock and ledger data access.
  • Apps for interconnection to major on-line investment services an exchanges
  • Apps gr government compliance, and not so government compliance.
  • Apps for portfolio adjustment.
  • App for person to person over the counter exchange on various products.

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