Saturday, June 29, 2019

The delusion of 'lack of demand'

Separating supply and demand

Always observed because consumers have slightly more bandwidth than producers.  Customers are under sampled by clerks in Walmart, at the check out stand.  Walmart is taking a bit of bandwidth from customers for the privilege of letting them wander the shelves. Consumers actually have more uu-constrained entry and exit than clerks, obviously.

Any congestion problems start with the customer, either too many or too few is the first thing noticed. borrowers would be slightly more congested than depositors. Depositers gain liquidity from the crowd.

How does one tell which side is out of balance?  Look at the golden ratio, why not it is the most liquid solution of the hyperbolic tanh differential equation, a ratio. The ratio is off then the bit error is bouncing, the pit boss having to exchange nodes constantly to balance channel skew.  Something is bunching up, need a longer sequence. Just like a good central might do, triyng to stay within the optimum monetary 'zone'.

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