Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Trump wins unless we get a Repub mass shooting in Florida or Texas

Story Continued Below Is it Biden, the candidate who has made Trump’s unfitness for office the centerpiece of his campaign, one that sees removing him as the only important policy proposal?
Or is it Warren, who, despite calling for his impeachment earlier than her rivals, has tried to move Trump to the periphery of the 2020 race and emphasize that just getting rid of him isn’t enough because, she argues, the next president has to have a series of detailed revolutionary plans that will upend a rigged economic system and act as a vaccine against the rise of the next Trump?
And it is the mass shooting that worry Ted Cruz from Texas.

Warren loses for the simple reason of $500/month Obamacare taxes, the shock that cost Pelosi four straight elections.  There are about 10 million households that got seriously burned on Obamacare, and Warren has another Obamacare up her sleeve.

A blue bar defeats Trump, but a serious case of the doldrums does not.  In a race between Warren and Trump, finance will do their utmost to delay the blue bar until after the election.

Trump wins, the entire episode with Ukraine was all about revealing the tons of sewage Biden left behind, and there are lots.  Trump handled Obamacare the simple way, he put it on the debt machine which and it is costing us substantial interest charges. 

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