Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Union's compounded right to spew CO2 at government expense

"I want to be careful about this obviously, because it raises lots of concerns amongs lots of quarters, not least of which is in organized labor. I think we have to put as many options as we possible can on the table. We know that the circumstances we find ourselves in with the COLA compounded annually is unsustainable, but I also really feel strongly that we cannot undercut the working men and women that are relying on their pensions, and that puts us in a very precarious position, limits the options, I am aware of that."
Boldface mine.

And we see the problem right there with a carbon tax.  In California and in Illinois, the state law provides the right of excess CO2 pollution.  That is standard government procedure, it is why we vote, to obtain special rights to constricting resources, like CO2 pollution.

We cannot solve the climate change issue without a tort judge.

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