Tuesday, September 3, 2019

So Abbot and Scott give them guns

ODESSA, Texas (AP) — The gunman in a West Texas rampage “was on a long spiral of going down” and had been fired from his oil services job the morning he killed seven people, calling 911 both before and after the shooting began, authorities said.
Officers killed 36-year-old Seth Aaron Ator on Saturday outside a busy Odessa movie theater after a spate of violence that spanned 10 miles (16 kilometers), injuring around two dozen people in addition to the dead.
FBI special agent Christopher Combs said Monday that Ator called the agency’s tip line as well as local police dispatch on Saturday after being fired from Journey Oilfield Services, making “rambling statements about some of the atrocities that he felt that he had gone through.”
“He was on a long spiral of going down,” Combs said. “He didn’t wake up Saturday morning and walk into his company and then it happened. He went to that company in trouble.”
I am not sure how this guy qualifies as someone who supports a regulated militia. On the contrary, his actions insured a very difficult time with the public, regulated militia. He had no military aims, he was a uncontrolled chaos.

So how to Scott ad Abbot end up ignoring that other part of the Second? What is it that makes these bozos have a difficult time about this? If you want to buy a gun, than show us a connection to regulated milia, someone who can track you if you are a loony NRA castratti.

1 comment:

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