Sunday, August 23, 2020

It is a chip biometric

My series on cheap secure smart card

My asynchronous analog logic is rand but consistent down to almost the atomic layer, depending on the speed of the capture.  This is an analog logic with an analog trap time, two shot noise like animals ,multiplied.  It is mostly unique.  It is nearly impossible to reverse engineer because of some collapse at that layer. And very cheap to do in technology or chip space.  It does not replace any p[ublic keys and private key set up in use, all that is still the basic.  It is a way of transmitting a code quickly to establish good public key.

Depending on the security, set up requires sending 256 to 4092 polynomial coefficients that map the biometric. But if word size per coefficient is a byte, for example, this is no worse than many public keys. One the coefficients have been sent, a continuing secure conversation follows from public key technology.  The 'quantum' key set up generally needed once, hence chip biometrics.

The owner of the quantum analog circuit can preset the machine, give it a multiplicative constant and still retain consistency.  Other games make spoofing the machine nearly impossible for any cost. 

Yet the thing is cheap, cheap.  We need analog logic down to the 10 pico second level and make this work.  But the transistors minimal, compact, easily done to imperfection, which is what we want. We are making an M - bit shot noise register, readable by  kernel. 

This was not my idea, it came from a technical proposal from someone way down in this blog, and I miss laid the reference I was so excited.  But the CPU is loading and reading, a decode process done at micro second speeds. It is very fast, in one direction only, so fast the decoder can simply cycle through the possibilities.

At the merchant counter, the coefficients for the clerk's card could be printed on the receipt. They would look like a sting of eight bit numbers. That coefficient is public knowledge, the clerk's change it often, and no one is carrying a high performance PC with them to compute the exponential number of calcs to by a banana.

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