Thursday, August 27, 2020

My point exactly

 A Democratic Congressman prompted backlash this week after he claimed that anyone owning a gun in America has small genitals. 

Illinois Rep. Sean Casten made the comments during a Zoom call with college students last week. “If you are a constitutionalist, unless you’re a member of well-regulated militia, tell me why you need to own a gun, right? Having small genitals is not a sufficient reason to own a gun,” Casten declared.

And I note the Congressman obviously agrees with me on the Second.  And NRA nuts really do suffer castration anxiety, just look at the number of those idiots who die sucking on steel pipes.

I go further. The right to a regulated militia comes with the right to shoot NRA nuts with tiny penises. So here is one more reason to vote Dem, they understand the Second amendment.

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