Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Cal union plot laid bare

Blackboard brawl: How California’s teachers hope to avoid 60,000 layoffs
“We’re thinking about twice those numbers,” Boyd said. The union projects a looming budget shortfall of up to $20 billion, or “a big hole to fill.”

Instead, the union and allies like the California Federation of Teachers and Service Employees International Union are hoping to build on many successful distance learning negotiations to lobby for new taxes. Boyd said his union is advocating for a special legislative session to consider new proposed wealth taxes AB 1253 and AB 2088, which are opposed by Republicans and many moderate Democrats. Also on the table, he said, are more teacher strikes like the ones that swept Los Angeles and Oakland last year.

By Calmatters.

We will be getting the huge tax battle.  Who is going to get wealth taxes, either California or the Swamp, but not both.  Hence the long term negotiations which will take until mid 2021 to negotiate, if at all. 

This is the plot that Biden and Kamala have planned. The cause? Jerry Brown accepted a two tiered pension reform and now we are stuck with your radical teachers who just got ripped off by Jerry and the Boomers.  

Flyover country knows about the lot and Cal unions, along with Kamala, are going to cost Biden the election.

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