Monday, August 31, 2020

The Kamala effect

Republicans see California as perfect foil as fall campaign begins
After defining California last week as a “land of discarded heroin needles,’’ rolling blackouts, voter fraud and sanctuary cities during their national convention, Republicans this week made clear they intend to make the blue state a prime campaign foil this fall.

Political strategists expect the pile-on to continue all the way to Nov. 3 because California crystallizes a messaging strategy that is likely to work for both President Donald Trump — and his party.

"The image we hear of California portrayed by a lot of speakers is exactly the kind of image that does appeal to base voters," said GOP strategist Lanhee Chen, who advised presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio. “I do think it mobilizes them. I do think it’s an effective way of framing the contrast difference between Biden and socialism and Trump and free enterprise.’’

Cartel Kamala and the Calizuela unions.  If Biden did not know this was coming then he is unqualified.

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