Friday, August 28, 2020

A ledger model for contracts

I want to match a cache safe, spectre compliant contract outcome on the public chain. Registered, spectre secure proceses produce these outcomes from stable contract points where a provable exit was taken.  Then miners compete to put these up., or down, however the ledger works. It seems to me there must be a final path that makes this sequence marked to market, and the contract sequence deleted.

For example.  I am reading blogs and plopping pennies for material.  The local authors group runs a block chain and collects completed transactions, over time, asynchronously. Set this up in Swift, use peer bank transfer, everyone is a bank. Every week just go through the final outcomes and get signed off by the correspondent banks, then erase. Very simple system, it is integrated with Swift, that the thing. Banks become group fund managers, trusted miners, collect a fee. Bearer digital cash, even 20 bucks a month to start.

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