Friday, August 28, 2020

The entire AI debate today

 It is really one thing.

Can we allow a bot to hold a secret key unto itself and use it to communicate with other bots?

We all knew this spot would arrive.  There is no way the Fed can go to MIT and get a fake digicash, the math has gone too far.  It seems quite clear, looking at the market, that if the Fed is not renewed then Big Tech will assume banking duties.  There is no MIT fake for the problem.  There is one answer, the Fed takes Swift all the way to our hand helds and set the currency standard.

It the MIT folks want a useful thing to do, then prove to the Fed that having enforceable time and amount limits reduces the scofflaw risk to a controlled level. Prove to the Fed that provability is a sound theory, contract can be proven to stable points. Then show how this allows the Fed to dominate the shadow banking market for a ling time to come with expanded opportunities for the entire banking industry.

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