Tuesday, August 25, 2020

How does smart card manage all the ledger interfaces?

 Smart card needs a currency regime loaded and ready before it can manage that currency.  Part of the currency regime function is address and interpreter to format cash and packets.  The things smart card can do are spreadsheet like things. And Solidify local account management goes through a spread sheet interface. Each spreadsheet is a currency regime with macros loaded and ready.

Smart apps. These need not be secure and can run javascript outside the kernel.  For example, an app that intelligently matches and order to any shipping receipt.  The secure kernel has to swap out the cache, clear the criticals and make the call. But these smart apps are almost alweays called from spectre stable points with no cache risk.

Communications? in operation, all communications are under secure kernel control.  The card can be open to an app on a PC or iPhone, with a thumb print. In that case security is minimally transferred to the external app, just enough to check balances, change bets, load a utility, install new currency regime.

In place of a currency regime the user may insert a contract of some kind, multiple set of solidify code.  So, Walmart would have the delivery interface as a special currency  regime which can handle digital signatures and receipts. There are mini apps that just allow you to thumb print subscription services which minimally release your ID.

The industry now has a well developed secure processor supply, and processors that can generate and hold secret keys. Hardware wallet vendors are getting clues.

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