Friday, August 28, 2020

Deleting the contract ledger

 There is no currency crated or held, it is a neutral escrow.  Anything on the contract chain will be erasable when all parties have taken possession of assets properly.  At that point it can be erased. The escrow miner is fastest path in that it eliminates assets from the spectre cache asap. Escrow is a finite, stable exchange protocol. Composed of two or three spectre asset events.  It's short contract chain is observeable by all parties to the contract.  In Swift there are a few correspondent banks at risk, and they get notified sometimes, according to contract.

The escrow miners manage reverse within timeout, they insure against fails to deliver.  Extend this concept to industry in general.

And the distributed miner.  Each party does their own recall within timeout, and checks the ledgers it needs.  Make the hand helds bear the work.

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