Monday, August 31, 2020

The claim is that Newsom is on board

The curriculum said among other things that “within Ethnic Studies, scholars are often very critical of the system of capitalism as research has shown that Native people and people of color are disproportionately exploited within the system.”

Mish has the story, this is full blown Calizuela, the New Franciscan Bible.   This is also your standard failed Hispanic state.   This is exactly what will kill Biden's chances. This is why Calizuela is a boat anchor.  In the Constitution we called them 'Other people' at least leaving it to the imagination.  We are back to ante bellum, counting some people partly.

We are not a smart state, not a state this size, and we foul things up for the rest of the nation quite often.  This is like someone guided Biden straight down manure path, he is now waist deep in it.  Biden is a toddler, his personality.

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