Monday, January 1, 2018

The Escrow Router

A contract management  bot, it can move on and off of ledger services, wait for transfers, execute trading pit trades, and comes to a conclusion soon. It can own assets, temporarily.

There is one everywhere on the web, all secure, all tied back to the foundry making the processors. Why not? Make it a sandbox utility. We obey the Hawkins Rule of artificial intelligence, all bots that own assets must have timeouts on their ownership.  The foundry can enforce the simple rule and protect a very simple contract language.

What is a contract language?  Look at the multiple proposals for standard monetary exchanges floating around.  A set of payment APIs, taken in sequence, as a stored script, is your contract language. It is there in various forms, the techies get it. We just need an open source utility called the Escrow Router.

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