Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Gavin is clueless

There is a methamphetamine crisis happening in Los Angeles County as the price of getting high hits rock bottom. Local officials estimate it now costs just $4 a day to maintain a meth addiction, as cheap crystal meth floods local communities.
“We have a meth epidemic in Southern California,” said Santa Monica City Manager Rick Cole, at a recent meeting when numerous residents complained they no longer feel safe going to public parks. The epidemic has hit Santa Monica’s Chess Park particularly hard, according to photographs provided to Spectrum News 1 by a resident.
The pictures show several men clutching small bags of white powder, smoking out of bongs, and exchanging money at picnic tables meant for chess players. While the Santa Monica Police Department has hired more police officers and increased patrols, Cole said there are still not enough officers to station one in the park every day.
“We see these concerns. We take them seriously,” Cole said, adding that police officers have been injured in scuffles with people hyped up on methamphetamine.
In 2016, 284 people died from meth poisoning in Los Angeles County, according to data from the Department of Public Health. Hospital trips for related injuries more than tripled from 7,000 in 2010 to 25,000 in 2016.
“This is probably the last drug before death. A lot of homeless people will use it, people who are always in the shadows,” said Tal Stunitski, a rehab counselor at the Chabad Treatment Center on West Olympic. Stunitski said the center helps patients hooked on cheap methamphetamine from all over the country.

The LAUSD is fucked, Gavin is clueless, this is a disaster.

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