Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Born rule

The researchers also assume that, for a system of several parts, how you group those parts should make no difference to a measurement outcome. “This assumption is so basic that it is in some sense a precondition of any reasoning about the world,” Galley said. Suppose you have three apples. “If I say, ‘There are two apples on the right and one on the left,’ and you say, ‘There are two apples on the left and one on the right,’ then these are both valid ways of describing the apples. The fact of where we place the dividing line of left and right is a subjective choice, and these two descriptions are equally correct.”

The Born rue states tat the probability function of a particle is  the  square amplitude of the wave function, like a power distribution in signal theory.  Then these researches are using the maximum entropy rule to show that any generator producing the distribution of states will be an isomorphic and any other equally useful generator.

The possible states of the system at maximum entropy is unique, but has isomorphic forms.

That is us, that is how we can generalize auto pricing in the sand bx, we are maximum entropy.  I didn't invent it, like Born I speculated it as there seemed to be no other interpretation of maximum entropy compact generators.  But these folks evidently proved it.

I am not a formal scientist, I am a formal blogger of science.

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