Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Yuk Yuk

Rep. Ilhan Omar clashed with newly minted Venezuela Envoy Elliott Abrams during Wednesday hearing in front of the House Foreign Relations Committee discussing the role of the US military in Central America. "Mr. Abrams, in 1991 you pleaded guilty to two counts of withholding information from Congress regarding your involvement in the Iran-Contra affair, for which you were later pardoned by president George H.W. Bush. I fail to understand why members of this committee or the American people should find any testimony that you give today to be truthful."

Omar could have done better. Ask Elliot whether it was a war crime for VP Bush to trick the alzheimer's president into a massive bailout of the S&L, just to save his kid.

Omar could have asked what kind of dunce refurbishes a WW2 battle ship and its only use is to shell Lebanese neighborhoods. She could have asked why Little Bush ran up the debt, created oil shortages and crashed the economy in one of our worst economic disasters. Even go further and ask how a dummy like AOC would bring back the whole high speed train fiasco.

But Omar has a point, why are we dealing with this antique nut from the Reagan era?

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