Saturday, June 15, 2019

American Hegemony was a a destructive policy

The Self-Destruction of American Power
Sometime in the last two years, American hegemony died. The age of U.S. dominance was a brief, heady era, about three decades marked by two moments, each a breakdown of sorts. It was born amid the collapse of the Berlin Wall, in 1989. The end, or really the beginning of the end, was another collapse, that of Iraq in 2003, and the slow unraveling since. But was the death of the United States’ extraordinary status a result of external causes, or did Washington accelerate its own demise through bad habits and bad behavior? That is a question that will be debated by historians for years to come. But at this point, we have enough time and perspective to make some preliminary observations.
As with most deaths, many factors contributed to this one. There were deep structural forces in the international system that inexorably worked against any one nation that accumulated so much power. In the American case, however, one is struck by the ways in which Washington—from an unprecedented position—mishandled its hegemony and abused its power, losing allies and emboldening enemies. And now, under the Trump administration, the United States seems to have lost interest, indeed lost faith, in the ideas and purpose that animated its international presence for three-quarters of a century.
Anybody with a brain knows the huge costly expense of American hegemony, from bad deals oil deals with the Arabs to some 20 trillion in expensive military spending.  Include the Vietnam holocaust, an unstable southern border, and huge deficits which are causing yet another Nixon Shock. The more American hegemony we destroy, the better we are.   Republicans have run up a 22 trillion dollar debt because they refuse to pay for American hegemony, yet we have idiots running around like Lindsey Graham, and that Instapundit guy, pushing this debt laden bogus policy.

I think the solution is a 20 trillion dollar tax on Tennessee and South Carolina and Arizona. Just sell off those states to the highest bidder an pay off the debt they all caused.

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