Monday, June 3, 2019

An amateurs guide to the Riemann concept

If you wanted to solve a finite problem, you know you will never have more than a million finite things. In that case, you can count the number of primes along the integer number line up until some maximum point N at which your finite things  reach their quantum contradiction. Then you don;t care.

If you do that, then you have an optimum combinatorial problem mapped to the integer line. You can get some bounds on volatility just from combination theory.  The Reimann idea is that the Zeta function has an analytic convergence good enough to predict your N, your Avagadro's, with a short cut. It seems a tautology in a way, prime means shortest cut.

But at the level of economics, this is easily done explicitly, because we know aggregate stats have high round off error.  But Zeta will appear there and then in the limiting function on research. Economists can just count things up a bit and know they have some bounds, there are few combinations in a 4 bit computer.

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