Sunday, June 16, 2019

Bitcoin at 9k

Usually an indication the Chinese CB is doing a debt expansion. The dollar is down a it, not enough for this jump. Treasury yields are as foul as usual, this must be the Chinese insiders.

How about a Hexit:

HONG KONG (Reuters) - Hundreds of thousands of people clogged the streets in central Hong Kong on Sunday dressed in black to demand the city’s leader step down, a day after she suspended an extradition bill in a dramatic retreat following the most violent protests in decades.
Hong Kong is the brother of King Kong, it wants to bash Commit Rat.

But this is a good reason to see Bitcoin jump, Hong Kong is one of the exit points for the yuan, they slip yuan in and bitcoin out of Hong Kong. So if Hit Fits the Shan, bitcoin is distributed out. Yuan deposits drop in Hong Kong, but accumulate at the CB. The debt expansion plot is foiled, the loop closed. The bitcoins obtained held until Hong Kong is restored to status quo ante.

But dynamics is that bit coin and yuan tend to swap  generator skew, one loses it, one gains it until the event is reversed.  Bitcoin is a tough nut for Commie Rat.

The generators in sandbox theory distribute chaos, in the PSST sense. The tendency to equilibriate closes loop, chaos get priced by the source. There is a fee for some bundle of chaos, holding it gets valuable commutative property.  It always tends to distribute so as to stabilize queues.

So, when the CB goes off equilibrium, a quick technology like bitcoin quickly restores the generator, the CB pays the price.  Skip the loop, let the CB buy bitcoin directly, or go to a New Fed type of Wiener process.

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