Saturday, June 8, 2019

Bitcoin queuing model, part 2

In our model, exchanges deal with queues of transactions from domestic bankers, segmented into three major currencies, for simplicity.  The path between the domestic bank accounts and the bitcoin exchanges is a constrained channel, collectively across all the currencies, so we are going to use out Walmart checkout manager, setting items per basket, and we have a directed graph generator.

In this model, congestion fees, miner fees are a good measure of bit error.  Central banks create off equilibrium motions, the bitcoin is like a portal that samples the flow.  If we assume bitcoin works, and it does, then bitcoin recovers, like forensic accounting, the complete sequence model, it has learned all the central banker moves over its complete sequence. Hence, the bit error is zero mean, white noise as is net currency flow.

We have combined everything, from the propensity to save bitcoin any any govern economy, to out of band central bank moves, and internal bitcoin pricing of goods. No attempt was made to define a Hamiltonian except they have complete sequences.  If we derive a generator from bitcoin price in a given currency, then the complete sequence needs to be for the whole, hence limit this to three currencies.

If the forensic effect is from a central bank off equilibrium move, the generator will be skewed.  If you inverted the generators, make them decoders by feeding them a random number on the X axis,  then the typical transaction generated have to segment the fixed miner bandwidth, this is the whitening part, making is all fit without empty space. If the total bitcoin channel is white, then we have we currency pairs in the ratio of shared bandwidth, more bandwidth needed , lower currency value.   That is the effect of queue stabilization with miner fees.  At equilibrium, all miners are equally busy, the fixed channel assumption.

Without the complee sequence? The you are solving the time varying quantization model, and you have to use a rolling Huffman encoder that matches the human form in window size. It is like a run time monte carlo technique, with quantization limited to adiabatic processes. The games are endless, it is about treating maximizing entropy as minimizing redundancy. The system finds the loops, prices and collapses them..

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